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Software Tricks

The Software Tricks of Confidence

How to Hide Files and Folders in the Computer?


Jan 16, 2024

In our contemporary society, computers have become an integral part of our daily lives. They serve as indispensable tools that we employ incessantly to tackle a diverse array of tasks. For instance, students heavily rely on these technological marvels to delve into extensive research and meticulously craft their academic assignments. Employees use them to create presentations, host online meetings, and share emails to name a few. As you use your computer, you’ll be dealing with a lot of files every day. Some files will contain sensitive information that you wouldn’t want other users to access. Is there a way to conceal certain files on your computer? In this post, we aim to respond to this inquiry by providing a handful of straightforward suggestions.

Defining a Hidden File

A hidden file is a file that cannot be easily accessed by users via the usual browsing techniques. These files are usually hidden to protect sensitive info, prevent modification, and maintain the integrity of the system. A hidden file is usually present on the system but invisible in the file listings. Such a file is invisible because it is marked with a specific attribute that enables the operating system to omit it from the regular file listing. A user or the system can set this attribute.

Hidden files, though not readily visible, can be reached by programs or users who possess the knowledge of their whereabouts and necessary permissions. These covert files often hold a medley of information, ranging from system files to configuration files and even confidential user data. It is imperative to learn how to change color of folders on Mac desktop to maintain a well-organized folder structure in order to prevent the loss of sensitive information and optimize productivity while engaging in various tasks. While working with Mac devices, sometimes our computer hangs and we can see a spinning color wheel. It depicts that our Mac cannot handle the current tasks and is taking some time to process. We can resolve the problem of the spinning wheel is stuck by using the tips from this guide. You might have to uninstall some apps from your device to make space and clean it. Increasing the RAM and disk space can also provide good results in resolving this problem.

Why Hide a File?

There are a lot of reasons why you should consider hiding a file on your computer. They include:

Protecting sensitive info: Users often hide files that contain sensitive info such as financial info or passwords. Hiding such files provides an extra layer of security.

Preventing accidental deletion or modification:  There are times when you’ll want to protect some files from accidental deletion or modification. Hiding them reduces the chances of losing crucial information.

Maintaining integrity in the system – You can hide certain files to prevent users from making modifications to them unintentionally. Such files play an important role in maintaining the functionality and stability of the operating system.

The decision to hide a particular file depends on your needs and preferences as a user. While hiding files and folders enhances security, system performance, and organization, you should keep in mind that they pose risks if they are mishandled.

Hiding Information with Built-in Folders

If you just want to tuck several files away from using built-in folders, there is an easy way to do it. While this procedure won’t hide files from people who know computers inside out, it will make them invisible to the average user.

For Windows

As a Windows user, hiding files is a pretty straightforward process:

  • Select the files that you want to be hidden
  • Right-click for options and select Properties
  • Select the General Tab and mark the checkbox Hidden under the Attributes section
  • Apply the changes

For Mac

Mac users won’t have a difficult time hiding files. You’ll use the Terminal command to perform this task. All you have to do is type the following into Terminal: replacing /path/to/folder with the file that you want to hide:

chflags hidden /path/to/file-or-folder

If you want to view hidden folders:

chflags nohidden /path/to/file-or-folder

If you don’t know the path of the file that you want to hide, you should type the command and drag the specific file into the Terminal.

Hiding Files using Apps

If you don’t want to mess around with windows hidden files, you can always consider using third-party apps. Although these applications may not provide complete protection for confidential data, they do serve to impede casual users from stumbling upon it. Numerous third-party applications are accessible for both Windows and Mac users, aiding them in accomplishing this objective. Prior to installing such an application, it is essential to peruse customer reviews and familiarize oneself with the associated terms and conditions.

Tips to Manage Your Hidden Files

To ensure maximum data security and keep your system organized, it is imperative to effectively manage your hidden files. Allow me to provide you with a handful of straightforward tips that you can readily employ:

  • Come up with a system: Create a logical system for organizing all your hidden files. Using simple descriptive names will help you locate and manage them easily.
  • Review and update them regularly: Open hidden files regularly to ensure that you still need them. Delete files that you no longer need to minimize clutter and maintain system organization.
  • Back up: It is of utmost importance for you to diligently back up your files on a regular basis. Just like any other form of data, this practice will prove to be immensely beneficial in the event of a hardware malfunction or an unintentional eradication of your valuable information.
  • Document: To ensure that everyone accesses them easily, you should consider documenting your practices if you have a team that needs to regularly access sensitive information.


Using the tips and tricks that we have shared in this post will help you learn how to hide, manage, and protect sensitive information from loss and unauthorized access.

By admin