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5 Things You Need to Know About Cloud Native Applications

5 Things You Need to Know About Cloud Native Applications

“Cloud computing” is transforming businesses across the globe as we speak.So, being an entrepreneur, if you plan to embark on your digital transformation journey with the cloud, it is critical to investigate the potential benefits of cloud for your business.

In this article, we give you a run down of cloud-native and all its elements to make you more aware of this emerging tech trend.

#1. What Is Cloud-Native?

Cloud-native architecture is an approach to designing, constructing, and operating workloads in the cloud. The cloud-native is all about speed and agility. A cloud-native app consists of discrete and reusable components, which are known as microservices. They are especially designed to integrate into any cloud environment.

Why Cloud-Native Is Important?

According to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), cloud-native technologies empower businesses to build and run scalable apps. It is a way to increase the velocity of businesses and a way to structure the teams in order to take full advantage of automation and scalability.

It also enables developers to make great impact and changes frequently with minimal effort. Here’re some of the critical characteristics of cloud-native apps:

#2. What Does Cloud Native Architecture Look Like?

Monolithic vs. Microservices Architecture

The former Netflix Cloud Architect, Adrian Cockcroft, describes how they shifted their complete architecture from a monolith to microservices. The challenge with monolithic architecture is that when new features are developed, it takes a lot of effort to deploy the changes into production.

When Netflix switched to microservices architecture, then the team was able to overcome all the demerits of a monolithic architecture and build a robust and reliable software.

Microservices & Containers

In the microservices architecture, a single app is composed of several smaller, loosely coupled, and independent deployable components or services. Since microservices can be deployed and redeployed independently without impacting the end-user experience, it is an ideal match for automated, iterative delivery methodologies such as CI/CD or DevOps. Microservices has its own tech stack, including database, data model, REST APIs, event streaming, and message brokers. According to the survey, 87% of microservices users said that the adoption of microservices is worthy.


Generally, developers deploy microservices inside containers. Containers are lightweight, executable components which blend app source code. In short, containers are de facto compute units of modern cloud-native apps. They enhance the benefits of microservices by enabling consistent deployment across different cloud deployment models. Most companies using containerized microservices also use a container orchestration platform, such as Kubernetes, to automate scale deployment and management.

#3. Benefits Of The Cloud-Native Approach

#4. Cloud-native apps Development Principles

Whether to develop a new cloud-native app or modernize an existing one, developers need to follow a consistent set of principles, which are as follows:

#5. Cloud-Native Technologies

Cloud-native technologies help speed up the rate at which businesses move new ideas to the market. Also, they enable companies to develop scalable apps at a faster rate than their traditional deployment methods. Here’re some of the commonly-used cloud-native technologies:


The cloud-native is an effective model to modernize IT and make business innovations through its outstanding features and functionalities. It has also been predicted to be the future of software development in the upcoming years. Suppose you are planning to implement a cloud migration strategy to improve operational efficiencies, the essential things mentioned above can add value to your business and cloud-native apps.

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